Our Blog

Useful info and resources 

to help your business

making an online payment
By Lydia Clark July 30, 2020
Would a nice sale have resulted in a cushy commission check? Absolutely. Would we be glad to help them with whatever insurance needs they have? No doubt.
people typing on laptops
By Dylan Melling May 12, 2020
It’s easy to get caught up in the news of our current crisis and feel hopeless. That’s why I’m proud of a couple whose wedding I’m officiating in June.
looking at screen
By Lydia Clark March 15, 2019
I think it’s been long enough… yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ve made my point. I picture you and your teammates anxiously perched around your late-version MacBook… still rocking the clothes you had on last Wednesday.
construction workers
By Lydia Clark March 15, 2019
The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) recently issued news releases announcing judgments against five companies investigated for various violations of laws and regulations.
street signs
By Lydia Clark September 26, 2017
I recently finished Patrick Lencioni's book, Getting Naked. Before you get too excited, the title is provocative but the book is not about what you might think. Everyone keeps their clothes on throughout the entire book.
tax forms
By Lydia Clark March 20, 2015
Now, look.... I'm actually a CPA, but don't judge me. I left that world many moons ago because I needed human interaction more than just 3 months out of the year.